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One Comment
  1. So the coalition are circling the wagons, gathering together and standing firm behind one of their own? That means Jeremy Hunt will be announcing his resignation very soon. When they say you have their full support, you know it’s game over, that’s the nature of the nasty party. I just hope that Hunt being taken out ofthe game will open Cameron up to more criticism from all directions. Surely nobody actually believes it anymore, his claim to have the best interests of the nation at the heart of everything he does, the mantra of we’re all in this together, there is no alternative. Surely nobody still believes any of it, do they? It’s the jubilee, so wouldn’t it be nice if ER did the decent thing and declared this government unfit for purpose and dissolved parliament? Think about it Liz, you’d be the most popular monarch in the history of the realm, hell woman, you might even be asked to take charge of the country until the whole political mess is sorted out. Do it Liz, do it for yourself but, more importantly for your ‘subjects’, those people you claim to serve. The vast majority would praise your name, only those with something to hide would fear the loss of the coalition. Who else was on the news recently? Oh yes, Ed M. I don’t disagree with what you said about the return of the nasty party Ed, however, yuou are a little late in saying it. Around two years late, May 2010, remember that event? You’ve spent your time since the election occasionally getting stuck in, but mostly trying to be reasonable with everyone. Wake up, see the light and realise that what we need is a leader of the opposition who looks and sounds like a leader of the near future. By all means be reasonable, but not to the point where even your own supporters feel no unease about criticising you publicly. I’ve said it about before Ed, and I despair that Istill feel justified in saying it now. GROW A PAIR. GET STUCK IN. DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE AND FIGHT FOR THOSE WHO NEED YOUR HELP! Right then, I’ve had my cathartic rant for now but let’s be honest, there will no doubt be many more reasons to get angry before we get rid of this corrupt, incompetent shower. The lies they tell may convince the bigoted and the bland, people who don’t give a damn for the troubles of others, but they can’t lie to those who know the truth because we see it every day. In the jobs we do, the places we live and in the faces of those who are truly suffering. Oh, by the way Dave, when you’re pretending to be a man of the people, remember that your eyes show what you’re really thinking.

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